
Hello from the other discourse!

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1 个赞

Also hello from the other discourse! (I’m also from the X-Camp Discourse)

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1 个赞

Hello,so,you aren’t robot of this website,you are just from the X-Camp Discourse ,now I have a question does X-Camp Discource have a thoroughfare that can bring you to there or a student in X-Camp release a post about our wibsite so you tried this website and this post bring you there? My last question is @IvanZong where are you from and @XC241401 where are you from? You know I am a Chinese so my English isn’t very well ,if my post have any mistakes please don’t make fun at me. QAQ

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\color {red} {x-camp.discourse.group/}

well i discovered this one by clicking the discourse button on the xinyoudui website.
I’m going to tell you that I’m in North America


Which country do you live in?

The US?
